I'm a writer with the Brooklyn Ink and a student at Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism, and I'm currently in the process of writing an article on e-discovery technology's effect on the legal industry. I'm trying to show that though some associate level and paralegal jobs are displaced by the technology — because document review can be done cheaper and more efficiently by software than people, for example — other legal jobs have come to exist as a result: for every job destroyed, another is created. I've found people who have created jobs in the industry, but I'm struggling to find paralegals or associates who have lost their jobs because a firm decided to use more e-discovery and less manual review. So I was wondering if you had any suggestions. Do you know of any specific people who have lost their jobs — even if was only on a temporarily basis, and they have since found work elsewhere — because of this software? If not, do you perhaps know of any companies who have recently shed workers because of investment in e-discovery technology?
I'm sure you're busy, but an interview with someone who's been displaced is a central part of this story, and I'm afraid it won't come together without one. My deadline is this Friday, so I'd be grateful for any help or advice you could offer before then.
Please email responses to Robert.owen125@gmail.com
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