April 12, 2011

Entry-level attorney job in Beverly Hills, Calif.

Beverly Hills Law Firm looking for part-time recently licensed attorney or law school graduate to work on various collection, business litigation files and some entertainment law– misappropriation of image cases. Work would consist of drafting subpoenas, organizing files, calling the court, drafting complaints, drafting discovery motions, researching various legal issues, regarding real estate and business law. The position will be paid at $10.00 an hour. This job is essentially a resume build with great experience offered. Moreover, if you do a good job, you will be given an outstanding recommendation for your next job. Need to be able to start immediately. Thank you.


1 comment:

  1. Jed Clampett, Esq.April 12, 2011 at 4:47 PM

    Does every single law firm in Beverly Hills pay a starting salary of ten dollars an hour or does the same shitty firm constantly place want ads on Craigslist?
