Two EEOC complaints (same complainant) in need of legal research, brief writing, and assistance with writing or editing summaries; Complaints are for non-selection in job application in the same industry- an industry that is behind in establishing precedents as compared to more mature industries. Bases includes gender, age and disability.
Case telephone conferences are at the end of October 2010 with hearings in January; Budget allocated for these two cases is $1000 total
I am open to services on an as-needed basis, beginning with assistance on the two current cases OR on a monthly retainer bases for 4-6 month period.
If interested, please provide broad scope of how you proceed relative to nailing down the legal abstractions in support of the plaintiff’s allegations and when you are availabe to begin.
Thank you.
New York State is looking for voluntary attorney generals:
i wish lawyers would take these jobs and then totally sandbag them. it would teach these people that you get what you pay for!